Martha Greenwald is the Founding Director, Creator, and Curator of The WhoWeLost Project. Who We Lost: A Portable COVID Memorial, an anthology based on the WhoWeLost.org website, was published by Belt Publishing in May 2023. She is honored to be a Special Advisor to “Rituals in the Making,” a pandemic remembrance project under the auspices of George Washington University’s Anthropology Department. Martha is also the author of the poetry collection Other Prohibited Items, which won the Mississippi Review Prize for Poetry. In 2020, she was the first prize winner of the Yeats Poetry Award. Her poems have appeared in Poetry, Rattle, Nurture, Slate, Best New Poets, The Threepenny Review, and numerous other journals and anthologies. She has been been both a Wallace Stegner Fellow at Stanford and a Pearl Hogrefe Fellow at Iowa State, and has received fellowships from the Kentucky and North Carolina Arts Councils. She taught creative writing, literature, and ESL at the high school and college level for nearly twenty years. Born and raised on the Jersey shore, Martha lives, works, and writes in Louisville, Kentucky.