Writer's Shed
Beneath the Roof
Publications, Fellowships, Awards
Who We Lost: A Portable COVID Memorial
May 2023, Belt Publishing
Other Prohibited Items
Mississippi Review Poetry Series Award Winner
Work in Anthologies:
Once a City Said: A Louisville Poets Anthology, Earth Song, The Louisville Anthology, Never Forgotten: 100 Poets Remember 9/11, The Best of the Mississippi Review, The Hecht Prize Anthology, Best New Poets 2008.
Selected Honors, Fellowships & Awards:
2020 Yeats Poetry Prize, Wallace Stegner Fellow (Stanford), Pearl Hogrefe Fellow (Iowa State), Al Smith Individual Artist Fellowship (Kentucky Arts Council), Literature Fellowship (North Carolina Arts Council), Yaddo Residency, Vermont Studio Center Residency, Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference Scholar, Sewanee Writers’ Conference Scholar, Dogwood Prize for Poetry.
Selected Recent Publications, Radio Features & Podcasts:
The Keepthings, “The World’s Fair Bank” 4.24
Post Poet Pop, “Once a City Said” poets read their work. Episode 2, 8.12.23
“Double Aortic Arch,” “Off Dwight Road,” 6.2023, Sarabande Books, Once a City Said
“In Conversation” WFPL NPR Louisville, 7.1.2022, The Toll of Covid Grief
“Central Time” Wisconsin Public Radio, 5.4.2022, Feature: The WhoWeLost Project
Prompt to Page Podcast, Jessamine Public Library, w/ Carrie Green, 1/2022 Episode: Martha Greenwald
Scott Gabriel Knowles COVID Calls Episode #385 12.7.2021 Who We Lost
WBUR Boston NPR “Here & Now” 8.25.2021, WhoWeLostKY Project Commemorates Kentuckians
“Provenance: Binaca Golden Breath Drops [1965-1995],” (Pushcart Nomination) Nurture: A Literary Journal
“New Year’s Magic 120% N-19 Novastar Mask Offer,” Rattle
“Selfie@Fifty,” Yeats Society Poetry Prize Chapbook 2020
“Off Dwight Road,” “Pocket Call,” “Slimming Secrets of the Stars!” New World Writing
Additional Journals My Work Has Appeared In:
The Keepthings, Poetry, Slate, The Louisville Review, Cave Wall, MARGIE, Sycamore Review, Dogwood, The Threepenny Review, The Midwest Quarterly, The Notre Dame Review, Press, Shenandoah, Response, Flyway, The New England Review, Grand Street.